What to Wear for Family Portraits

When I think about my own family photos, one of the biggest parts of planning it outside of the date and location is what am I going to wear. There are a few ideas I give my clients when they want advice on how to coordinate outfits for their upcoming family photo session.⁠

🌺 Wear what’s comfortable. Especially when young kids are involved. Putting a tux on a 2 year old may have to wait. If it’s 95 degrees outside, this is not the time to wear your favorite long sleeve shirt. ⁠

🌺 Pick a color scheme. Now that doesn’t mean everyone has to wear the same color shirt, but if you’ve got this colorful outfit you are dying to wear, choose a color for everyone that blends well with the colors in your outfit. ⁠

🌺 Try something new. If you’ve always wanted to glam it up, here’s a chance to put on that gown you thought you’d only wear for one event and go all out and be dramatic. ⁠

🌺 Find inspiration on IG or Pinterest. These are great resources when trying to pick a look for your photos. ⁠

Want to learn more about the family portrait packages available? Click the “Let’s Chat” link so we can discuss your options.


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